Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The War on Terror

I just heard on MSNBC that over 50% of Americans think that the war on Terror and the war in Iraq are related and or are the same thing. I have one thing to say to everyone of those people.


Who ordered 20 men to fly planes into the World Trade Centers?
What nation were these 20 men from?
What country were all these men trained in?

The war in Iraq is all about a son who held a grudge against the man who had a plan in place to assassinate his dad.


Rev. Kimberly Rich said...

WOW!! Here all this time I was thinking my mate and I were the only two folks who got this concept. Thanks for letting me know we are not alone.

Love and Light

Dennis Weed said...

We are at war with Muslim extremists IN Iraq, not Iraq. Between November 4, 1979 and September 11, 2001 a total of 671 Americans were seized and held as hostages for varying lengths of time in several Muslim countries. During that time almost a thousand Americans were killed, including 241 Marines who were blown up while asleep in Beirut in 1983.
Do you remember the World Trade Center being bombed on February 26, 1993 ? Do you remember the USS Cole attacked and damaged by suicide bombers on October 12, 2000?

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is, Congress sent us to war... A lot of people need to go back to US Government class...

You know, we have to thank the Democrats (including the "Rock the Vote" people) for their help in getting people registered to vote for President George W. Bush.

More people voted this election - and more of them voted Republican.
