Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Giant Cocaine Plants

If the Justice Department had a giant bowl of cereal this is the kind of article that would make it smell like some had just taken a giant shit in said giant bowl of cereal. While Columbian officials have been reporting that smugglers are receiving help from foreign scientists to develop herbicide-resistant coca plant that has 8 times the yield of a normal plant. Meanwhile we have dumped more than 3 billion dollars into crop spraying program that the Columbians are saying has but back the useful coca-growing area by 2/3.

The kicker is that through all this all those wiley drug growing bastards have been doing is spending a little more down at the old farm co-op and dumping extra fertilizer on the ground. By my simple math with 1/3 of the land but 8 times the production you are still coming out with about 2 and 2/3 times the amount of coke.

Fertilizer May Be Root of Big Colombia Coca Plants


Ronald McDojo said...

The drug war is the same as the war on Terrorism. You can fight it all day, weed out some bad plants, even take out a entire crop. But in the end you still have plenty of plants/terrorists that make it out alive.

Anonymous said...

Just yesterday, the 8th of december, the most important colombian (with two o's by the way) newspaper published an article where several colombian and american drug authorities denied the existence of such super-plant. If you can read spanish, you can find it at


Although it's plausible that they are purposefully deniying the existence of this plant, the fact that there has not been a sudden surge in cocaine production is another reason to consider it doesn't exist.

However, I must accept I still have my doubts.

On the other hand, I think is worth noting that behind the cocaine problem, there is a human drama, the drama of the growers that do not have profitable alternative means of survival, the drama of millions of colombians that are treated like drugdealers across the globe because of what a few thousands do.

Leda Swan

Leda Swan