Sunday, January 23, 2005

One Hell of a Sunday

I am not sure that this Sunday could get much better. I have spent the day in my recliner drinking beers and watching playoff football. I decided to do my taxes today and lets just say that the U.S. government is going to be sending me 1 G unit or 1000 dollars to the layman. I immediately opened iTunes and bought three new CD's. I am not sure if I am done purchasing music is directly related to the number of beers I have consumed.

KU got on a girl last night who is dating a 26 year old Israeli Jew millionaire Kung Fu master. I think he is going to be sleeping on our couch for the next month or so. No worries though I emailed him the link to all the ninja gear so that he can stock up and protect himself.

To Lexington: You should move to Seattle so we could have spent this fine Sunday blogging and getting our drink on.

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