Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Three days until people won't have an excuse for playing christmas music

Date My Mom
Well I have already written a post about this fine piece of television programming but the episode I saw the other day was comedy of the highest degree. The bachelor on the show was the funniest guy so far. After not choosing the first daughter whose name meant fire in Celtic the daughter stepped out of the limo and it cut to the guy saying "Now I know why her name means fire. Because she is frickin' hot!!!". After choosing the third daughter she stepped out of the limo and it cut to him saying "I am not mad, I am not mad. My dick is mad but I am not mad." Somebody at MTV needs to get this guy some kind of production deal.

Movie Reviews
Here are some more of the reviews I wrote a couple of weeks ago.

The Hustler (1961)
This a classic pool shark movie starring Paul Newman. I wouldn't say the writers of Poolhall Junkies copied this movie but you can see where they got a few ideas. 4 Star

Badder Santa (2003)
Billy Bob is great in this movie. I never saw the orginal Bad Santa so I couldn't really tell what extra material consituted the unrated version. 4 Star

Van Helsing (2004)
This movie was better than I thought it was going to be. There was actually a story line involved not just 90 minutes of monster killing. 4 Star

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