Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Some Random Things I Have Come Across the Last Few Days

SI Swimsuit Issue
Remember when this mattered? Of course, remember when it was your only outlet for hottie soft-soft-core skin? Between the lad mags, cable TV and the Internet, it's just not that big of a deal anymore. Frankly, I've seen better on a pop-up ad in the last hour.
--Dan Shanoff Page 2 on espn.com

I believe that if life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Then you should find someone whose life has given them vodka and have a party.
--Ron White

All things end badly, or else they wouldn't end.
--Brian Flanagan

I have such good balance...I should be an ice skater.

Don't you wish there were odds on this Michael Jackson trial, just so we could wager on things like "6-to-1 that one of the Culkins will be a mystery witness for the prosecution"?
--Bill Simmons

The section below is from an article on Slate titled "Supplemental Insecurity: The revelations buried in Bush's latest supplemental budget request." written by Fred Kaplan

It's there in the section dealing with the $5.7 billion requested for the "Iraq Security Force Fund," which notes that the interim Iraqigovernment, with assistance from coalition nations, has already created a security force of 90 battalions, but then adds:

All but one of these 90 battalions, however, are lightly equipped and armed, and have very limited mobility and sustainment capabilities.

In other words, 89 of Iraq's 90 battalions essentially cannot fight. This section of the document goes on:

These limitations, coupled with a more resilient insurgency than anticipated have led the Prime Minister of Iraq to request forces that can participate in the "hard end" of the counterinsurgency, and to do so quickly.

Can someone just explain to me what the hell we have been doing for the last year and a half? I thought training these guys to fight for themselves was the top priority. This just goes to show we are never going to get out of Iraq.

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