Friday, October 15, 2004

Query Letters I Love

I actually found this site yesterday and couldn't believe it. Here is the sites description:

" Actual, honest to god query letters I've received in Hollywood. Updated daily. And hey, if one of these is your query, have a sense of humor, will ya? You're gonna need it in this town. "

There are probably close to 30 Oscar worthy ideas listed. This one is so good I posted my own comment about it. What the fuck is 'ripe for action'?

"After being laid up for six months, DEKE COLE, a macho mountain man and highly skilled professional hunter/poacher, is ripe for action. He is going to draw out and hunt down the 'squaw bitch' who put him out of commission with a bullet in the thigh. With the thrill of the hunt in his gut his "reign of terror" will soon begin! "


A-Lyric said...

Did I miss something? Where's the link?

Mitch Martin said...

Nice catch. I am an idiot. I have placed the URL in the post.