Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Greatest Christmas Burn Ever

Alan Aerts I tip my hat to you. I would click on the link below to read the whole story but I will break it down for you real quick.

1. Alan spends $150,000 on a kick ass light display for his house.
2. After last year neighbor complains to city and collects signatures.
3. City makes it a pain in Alan's ass to put up his kick ass display.
4. Alan has a 10 foot motorized Grinch built that points at his neighbors house and says "You'rea mean one mister Grinch!"


Kalleigh Hathaway said...

That reminds me of feuding neighbors near where we used to live. Apparently one family got ticked off at the other at some point, and they started annoying the crap out of each other with blowing icky cooking smells across the way and silly stuff. Family #1 put up a big redwood fence between the properties, but still on their side, then painted the side facing Family #2's house contrasting stripes of neon green and orange. Then someone (I don't know who) hung a clothesline along the fence with multicolored boxer shorts hanging on it all year long.

I think both families have sold their houses and moved. Go figure.

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