Tuesday, November 30, 2004

More Proof that Richard Branson is a Genius

Branson's Virgin Mobile is going to help customers in Australia by preventing drunken dialing. The service will allow the user to blacklist specific numbers so that they cannot be called until 6am the following morning. According to a survey by the company, over 95 percent of drinkers make phone calls after imbibing, with 30 percent of calls going to the most dreaded of recipients: ex-partners.

Help available for 'drunken dialers'


Anonymous said...

Wow that is wicked! That would be a good service any where in the world. Had to post anonmously b/c I don't have a blogger account. Here's my blog address:

Unknown said...

good idea
i don't see any benefit for it, other than the service provider making some extra money.

Kalleigh Hathaway said...

yes, well, the problem with this is that when I'm dialing drunk I *never* get the number I'm actually trying to dial. So I would have to blacklist all the numbers that are actually one digit off from the one I would dial when drunk. And that's way too complicated to do, unless I'm drunk and think it's a great idea ... and then I'd accidentally blacklist the number I'd want to dial when drunk. So hey, maybe it WOULD work!