Monday, November 22, 2004


So it would appear that right when we actually go some readers who started to like our blog here the four of us just quit posting material. I have spoke with the other contributors and we are going to get back on top of this thing. Give us a couple of days and we should be back in full swing. There should be some new additions in the coming week as well. We are going to be adding another contributer from southern California who will tell us about how tough it is to live 20 minutes from the beach. I have recently subscribed to NetFlix so I will start posting a brief synopsis of the movies I see and I will develop some sort of a system to rate them.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Thanks....I was beginning to wonder what the hell happened...The minute I linked to you, you were gone...Now that my 7 or 8 readers know about you, you MUST post, otherwise:
a) A really cool Blogsite name will go to waste.
b) I'll feel like a schlub for recommending you.
c) You will get a creepy rash just under your left forearm.
d) All of the Above.