Sunday, February 11, 2007


I did something last night that I haven't done in a long time. I walked into a store that was selling beer and I walked out with a case of Busch Light. I am no stranger to the Busch Light. There were about 4 years of my life when I drank more BL than water or any other liquid for that matter. Granted not a lot of my memories have me leaving the store with only one case, it was usually at least two if not four.

If you have followed this blog off and on for the last two years or read through our archives you have seen many funny quotes from our friend KU. All most all of those gems are a direct result of the BL consumption.

Don't get me wrong even with all the memories and good times a can of BL is no boggs. But there is a time a place where it is nice to visit an old friend. I think I am going to have to start showing up to that place about once a month.

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