Tuesday, February 13, 2007

On a Serious Note....Global Warming

The short answer to this is that I don't buy it. Do we humans have an effect on the environment and the overall climate? Sure. But I do think there is nearly enough evidence that we or our greenhouse gases are the sole cause. No, in fact I think it is very egocentric and pompous of us to think we have put the planet on a collison course with doom in just 200 years of industry.

After seeing a ridiculous commerical from StopGlobalWarming.org last night I decided to check out their website. The banner at the top of their site had the following piece of propaganda:

"All ten of the hottest years on record, globally, have occured in the last fifteen years."

So I said to myself "Self, I wonder how many years are on record?" After some quick Google work I found the Temperature Record entry on Wikipedia. It states:

"The most detailed information exists since 1850, when methodical thermometer-based records began."

So we have 157 years worth of hard data. We know that the Earth is roughly 4 billion years old. If you do the math that means we have hard data on 0.000003925% of the years Earth has been in existence. Experts agree that Earth has gone through 4 major Ice Ages. One can conclude then that there must have been 4 major thaws. There could have been thousands of years of increasingly warmer temperatures to melt all of that ice. I don't think 1o years in a sample size of 0.000003925% is anything to get panties bunched up about.

In fact some scientists are now saying they believe the Sun and Cosmic rays have more to do with climate change on Earth the we humans ever have.

Despite my stance on Global Warming I do believe in pollution controls. I don't think we need to be belching millions of tons of black smoke into the atmosphere for any reason. However I don't think getting people riled up over a made up dooms day climate scenario is the best way to reduce industrial pollution.


1 comment:

Mike Honcho said...

If we just got rid of China we'd be fine in both "global warming" and pollution. Plus, as a bonus, China's coal consumption (major cause of pollution) is expected to almost triple by like 2012.