Monday, January 29, 2007

Feel Good Story...Sort of

I heard about this story on the Adam Corolla show this morning on my way to work. At first I thought it would make for a funny blog post so I Googled it up.

A young man in England born with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is living under the care of nuns in a hospice. He is currently 22 and most people with his condition don't live past their thirties. He let the nuns know that he wanted to have the "company of the woman" and they helped him to arrange it.

I am glad that the kid got laid but after reading the story it is kind of sad.

It was refreshing to see a nun put the boys interests first and help him out. We live in a country where supposedly educated people refuse to fill prescriptions for a morning after pill that has been safely used for almost 20 fucking years in Europe based on their personel religious beliefs.

Hospice helped dying man lose his virginity

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