Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Never, Ever, Trust a Bored Martial Arts Master

"...Japanese have a stereotype of being very sensitive, quiet, respectful and polite. I’ll tell you the reason for this stereotype – it’s completely true. Almost all Japanese are the living embodiment of these characteristics. Togara-sensei however, shits all over this stereotype. He is friendly and warm, but at the same time extremely aggressive and forceful – beyond most foreigners I know. It is also said that when you drive a car, your real personality comes out. Put Togara-sensei behind the wheel of a car, and just watch the fuck out.

If you can imagine this middle aged, massive martial arts master, wearing reading glasses, driving a large van, filled with crazy Australians, like a rally car – then you can begin to appreciate how funny this picture was. Almost as though he was trying to make the scene even more amusing, he flicked on the CD player, and loud classical music began blasting through the speakers..."

Read the rest of this great story from Firefly in Japan. The ending is great!!

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