Sunday, January 28, 2007


If you click through to the link below be prepared to pop a bonar.

Not only is this guy selling all 670 games released for the NES in America he is throwing in a system with about every accessory made as well.

So if you have a spare $10,000 and always wanted to rub one out with a power glove place your bid.

NES Nintendo - EVERY GAME EVER MADE - 670 LOT Licensed

1 comment:

Lexington Steele said...

Alright, I give it to him, a pretty impressive collection. Even more impressive? The fact that this auction has already passed 8 g units and still has 6 days left. However, I call bull shit on the completeness of this collection. I recall a certain bazooka called the Super Scope Six that might have been one of the greatest controllers put out by Nintendo.